human history and Ecoloigcal Context

Sunday, June 10, 2007

final question #1

Food is the key of survival for all man and species. Its development is the essence of life and an everyday requirement. The growth of food has evolved from early ages to future; the adaptation and consumption of food has also grown. Food is found everywhere possible; it is convenience to our needs and the environments. The way we have grown to adapt food over time is astonishing. It is rather a pleasurable satisfying task than a value of devouring minerals and proteins.
From the start of human existence gathering fruits and hunting down animals collected food for many. Species at that time adapted to the food that was presented to their accessibility. Food has grown with the evolution of humans and animals, making it possible to adapt to new foods. From then on human has embraced the process by adding value to food; giving food limited excess for those who could not afford it.
As the population of human increased so has the demand of food. Food was once a pure substance that was easily assembled; now food is part of a whole industry. This changed of food can also be tagged along with the social structure of society. The industrial food system has corrupted many minds of deciding which food is right or bad to consume. Technology and fossil fuels also has a lot to do with food today. The development of technology would not be functionally without fossil fuel. Creating a system where artificial flavors overrule wholesomeness is not faithful to our bodies. Adding chemicals to enhance natural growth of animals and food is the way food industry process.
Today the obsession of less for more is highly aroused and apparent in our everyday lives. The idea of consuming more for less is what many advertising products launch. The most decisive part of this whole industrial chain is the way the animals are treated. The animals that provide our bodies with nutrients and proteins supplements that helps us to survive. The payback that we give to them is by feeding them corn and injecting steroids to grow faster so the food industries can make money. Continuing this process of consuming food today would leave us to a non-sustainable life. A life where convenience package food would not be available for us to lavish upon but rather growing and nurturing the earth with it’s fine supplements to survive. Which would bring us back to the original way of life.


Blogger Unknown said...

I agree 100%

3:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree 100%

3:13 AM  

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